Dear Friend of SOS:
Over the Christmas Holiday, a group of volunteers gathered here at Society of Samaritans to distribute 500 Holiday Meal Kits to families in our community. Upon leaving once the distribution was complete, I felt a tug on my jacket, turning to meet a smiling face of a volunteer who had partnered in completing the massive distribution. What came next literally brought tears to my eyes.
You see, Society of Samaritans assist thousands of neighbors in need each month. In 2024 alone, the ministry touched the lives of over 59,000 individuals. Here at SOS, we often live in the moment of need. The moment of emergency and desperation. We see faces fill our hallway daily. The faces of children who are hungry, elderly who are alone and families unable to make ends meet. We are witness, day in and day out to the overwhelming weight life can bare. What we often do not have the opportunity to witness is the journey, the walk and subsequently the outcome.
That ordinary community distribution day brought a group of volunteers with Houston Methodist Hospital. The tug on my jacket was a woman who once walked through our doors as a child. Her, along with her mother and baby brother in search of help. With nowhere to go, hungry and in need they found compassion, love and grace here at Society of Samaritans. The once small child, now a nurse with a family of her own reflected back to what SOS meant to her all these years later. Something that she has carried in her heart and grace she now pours back into others.
I share with you this story, because you have made a choice to support and partner with Society of Samaritans. Your choice to believe in the mission of SOS, in turn makes a lasting impact in the lives of thousands of people. Although you may never physically see your time, talent, or treasure at work in the moment, those benefiting from your compassion are scattered heavily throughout our community.
Society of Samaritans was formed 39 years ago through the vision of loving others as Christ loves us. A vision of showing care and compassion, without judgement or expectation. That vision still stands today, a bright light in our community. SOS is a safe haven intertwined of churches, civic organizations, community leaders, businesses and like-minded individuals who not only partner to provide resources, but more importantly share hope.
Thank you for being a part of something bigger.
Thank you for sharing love with those who you may never meet.
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of others.
Warmest Regards with a Grateful Heart,
Rebecca Benham
Executive Director
Society of Samaritans
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